God and His Glory

What is God and is it a He/She? All people use that word but does anyone know or understand what God is? Most people will say “I pray to God” or “with God’s grace” or something like that. Theologians say “It includes the attributes of omniscience(all-knowing), omnipotence(unlimited power), omnipresence(present everywhere), divine simplicity, and as having an eternal and necessary existence.” The atheists say “I don’t believe that there is something or somebody like God, the world starts and the people will live in it.”

For most people God is in a name and form. The interpretation is as follows:
G - Generator(Brahma) O - Operator(Vishnu) D - Destroyer(Mahesh or Siva). In a way it is not real destruction but absorbing the creation and making a foundation for the next creation. Also, for some it is the female form that appeals like Saraswathi or Lakshmi or Parvathi again they all have different names. Since God is unlimited, He cannot be limited to being either formless or having a form. Since God is everything, He must possess both form and formlessness. It is where the formless and nameless God is concerned the understanding becomes difficult to people. There is difference of opinions leading to divisions in Sanathana dharma.

Yes, there were a few people in the ancient times, several millenniums ago, who experienced in themselves(the undefinable consciousness) and taught that message to the few people who were interested(Vedas and Upanishads at the end of Vedas) and the tradition went on in India(Bharath). It was going by the name of Sanathana Dharma which regards a person as a part of the whole, having the same vital essence as all other human and subhuman creatures of the universe, or Arsha Dharma until recent times when the foreign invaders gave the name as Hinduism and dubbed it as a religion. That name was given because it was flourishing in the region of Indus river(River Sindhu). All the other religions have arrived much much later and they contain part of Hinduism. Hence Hinduism is all inclusive, but rest of them are sections which for the followers are complete but not in reality. Swami Vivekananda once said “I am proud to belong to the religion in whose language(Sanskrit) the word exclusion is not translatable.” Like everything, Hinduism was slowly getting destroyed in more than one way and to put it right the invisible and undefinable Almighty appeared in the form of Krishna about 5000 years ago and taught Bhagavadgita(not to be confused with other Gita-s like Ashtavakra Gita or Avadhootha Gita etc) in the middle of the great Mahabharatha war making Arjuna as a pretext. It had been translated in to several languages and about a million copies in foreign languages are sold. So it can be considered as an authority to find what “GOD” is and His glory. Several well known people had made comments on Gita as follows.

Aldous Huxley(English writer and philosopher) - “The Bhagvad Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind.It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed. Hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all humanity.”

Mahatma Gandhi(Indian independence fighter famous for his non co-operation movement) - “When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad Gita and find a verse to comfort me and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming sorrow. Those who meditate on Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day.”

Henry David Thoreau(American transcendentalist, friend of Ralph Waldo Emerson and a poet) - “In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal(Latnized form of Greek word meaning creation of universe) philosophy of Bhagvad Gita, in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny and trivial.”

Dr. Albert Schweitzer(French Theologian and a philosopher) - The Bhagvad Gita has a profound influence on the spirit of mankind by the devotion to God which is manifested by actions.

Carl Jung(Swiss psychologist and Psychiatrist) - The idea that man is like unto an inverted tree seems to have been current in bygone ages. The link with Vedic conceptions is provided by Plato in his “Timaeus” in which it states - behold we are not an earthly but a heavenly plant. This correlation can be discerned by what Krishna expresses in Chapter 15 of Bhagvad Gita.”

Albert Einstein(German physicist) - "When I read Bhagavad Gita and reflect abut how God created this universe everything else seems superfluous."

Herman Hesse(German poet, novelist and a painter) - "The marvel of Bhagavad Gita is its truly beautiful revelation of life’s wisdom which enables philosophy to blossom into religion.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson(American Christian Priest) - I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad Gita. It was first of the books. it was as if an empire spoke to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large serene, consistent, the voice of an old intelligence which is another age and climate had pondered and thus disposed of the same question which he exercises us.”

Bhagavad Gita explains in the first six chapters “Twam” meaning you or an individual(body is a delusion and perishable and soul is non perishable consciousness). Next six chapters Krishna goes on explaining “Tat” meaning that i.e the indefinable Paramatma or the super consciousness(omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient). The last six chapters explain the “Asi” connection between the two meaning you are no different from that if you understood everything I said. The sum of all of this is the great Mahavaakya(great sentence) from Chandogya Upanishad is TATWAMASI. It summarises you are that Brahman responsible for everything and you are in everything and everything is in you. So knowing the true oneself inside out is knowing God, feeling God and being God. In these chapters, particularly the 10th chapter Krishna explains the glory of God, anything and everything that is perfect is His glory. And what one sees as perfection in this universe is only an iota of His glory. Krishna concludes that chapter which describes his glory by saying “what you need to know is I stand supporting the entire cosmos by a small fragment of myself. Whatever the human being is endowed with, glory, prosperity, or strength, be certain it is derived from a fragment of my splendour.”

Being close to the nature, appreciating what He gave us in the form of nature, living according to the laws of nature, all can understand God and His glory and takes one to perfection i.e changing a human into a divine personality, and being an embodiment of knowledge about God and His glory which means that there is no difference between the human and the divine when everything is implemented as dictated by Krishna. Krishna emphasizes this in the 7th chapter 18th verse saying the one who acquires the full knowledge about his soul/himself(jnaani) is equal to Him(Udarah sarva evaite jnaani tv atmaiva me matam asthitah sa hi yuktaatma mam evanuttamam gatim).

That is salvation or mukthi.